I'm Uri Fried,
Product Designer.

I'm a UX/UI designer with over 2.5 years of experience in team management, and analyzing user feedback. Coming from the world of customer support, I understand the need for designs that work well.

"My goal is to create products that leave a lasting impression by solving real problems for real people."

Recent Work

A Bit About Me


My previous work experience as a customer support manager and user feedback analyst enabled me to bridge the gap between users and product managers which ultimately led me into the world of product design.


My passion for problem solving and empathy form the foundation of my approach towards ideation and user-centered design. My goal is to create products that leave a lasting impression by solving real problems for real people.


My background in Interactive-Communications and Customer Support has taught me that good design and good experience depend on each other and cannot exist without empathy.

View my CV
UX Collective Article

IA and the Rise of Voice Interfaces

Information Architecture changes the most with Voice Interface integration in ecommerce sites like Amazon and has the most potential to create a truly better product for users.

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Recent Article

Uber and Accessibility

By designing the app to be even more accessible, Uber is actually doing good for the thousands of riders that would otherwise be extremely limited with their mobility.

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